Monday, December 30, 2013

Another year has come and gone...

Yes, it's been a little too long since the last post. I'm sure everyone is on the edge of their seat to see what's going on in our lives. My last post was in August, a good 4 months ago. There has been much waiting, but also much happenings.

New Year's Eve 2012 (One year ago)

It's hard to believe we are fastly approaching yet another year. So much has happened in the last year we hardly have time to write it all down, but we will try. First, Kristy's graduation in May, then of course, our wedding on May 24th. The summer was a blur. Then fall came and the holidays have flown by. Here are a few highlights that have happened just in the last few months.

1) Kristy became a piano teacher (more on that on the next post)

2) Kyle is now working at Crown College as the Assistant Director of Admissions.

3) Our house is starting to look....well, like a home. (pictures later)
4) We've driven about 2,500 miles to see both sides of the family, which was an answer to prayer!
5) We have had our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together!

We are now about to start the New Year 2014, and we are excited to see what the Lord will do! It's amazing to look back and see what God has done so far. It may not seem like much while it's happening, but in reptrospect, there's a purpose. We're grateful for His leading in our marriage and life together. Happy New Year Everyone!
P.S. Our new year's resolution is to be better at posting on this blog. :)


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