Friday, February 13, 2015


Still making an effort to catch up to the current date. We have been so busy the last few weeks. Kyle took a Systematic Theology class in December and has been studying quite a bit. We have also had quite a bit going on at church and of course life and work keep us busy enough. Just want to share a little about our holidays.

First, for Thanksgiving, we went to Florida to visit Kyle's family. It was sort of a last minute decision as we had just made a trip there in September after not seeing them for 9 months. But we were *thankful* to be able to go and spend some time with Kyle's Nonna (Italian for Grandmother) who just turned 81 years old. She's still a spunky lady!

We really enjoy any length of time we get to spend with our family. When you live so far away, for as long as we have, you learn to really cherish these memories together.

Whitney and the beautiful arrangement my mother-in-law made. 

Kyle and Kara putting away the delicious food. 

Whitney with her Uncle Kyle and Aunt Kristy
Hanging out, watching football (Clint is gunna kill me if he sees this) 

These two are crazy! 

These two are crazier!! (she gets it from Clint)


Holidays are always kind of a blur. It took us a while to get our tree but it finally went up first week in December. We're those wait-until-after-thanksgiving Christmas decorating kind of people. :-)

Kyle putting on the star.

-Ice skating-

Kyle made a wreath all by himself. Isn't it nice? You'll never guess what it's made out of, other than the Christmas tree branches. Leave a comment and guess!

So then we went to Virginia to visit my folks for Christmas, which has always been a special time for my family. Of course it is for everyone. We had a great time. We spent a whole whopping 4 days there. For us, that's a long time. 

*Gift wrapping*

Trying to get a good picture.....

There we go. :-) 

Walking with the family then taking a horrible selfie. 

Krista, Nathan and Caleb 

Us and the parentals 

Went to this awesome house of Christmas lights!! 

Our Christmas tree back home. 

We had a great Holiday Season. It was busy but getting to see both sides of the family was a huge blessing. We couldn't have asked for more. Now on to the new year!!! Oh wait, that already happened. Oops!!! ;-)

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